Wednesday, April 2, 2014

This is Why We need Political Party System - October 2, 2013

As evidenced by the recent political drama in Dharamsala, the problem with "Tibetan Exile Government System" is that it does not have a platform from where those who don't agree with the official policy can speak their mind openly and without fear of being ostracized. In other words, It is the lack of political party system. That is the reason why CTA is dominated by only one party of a few people who constantly tout their faith and loyalty to HHDL as if that alone constitutes accomplishments. Whoever is the loudest in expressing his or her loyalty to HHDL can accuse anyone else for not being loyal or faithful enough. Far from enjoying a respectable democracy these people are plunging all of us into a North Korea like state. I am sure this is not what HH had wished for when he devolved his political power. There are people in our government who have no real contribution to our cause except to sit in their chair and give lectures (with subtle threats) to kids and uneducated Po Las and Mo Las in settlements and yet have the nerve to accuse people with real accomplishments of hurting our cause. There are a lot of Chithues who are clearly Rangzen believers, and have sacrificed so much for its cause, but can't speak up because of fear of being accused of hurting DL's feeling by these people.

We desperately need some change in how we conduct our political business. People are really sick and tired of our government being hijacked by few people who are constantly trying to bring back HHDL in to politics despite his clear wish and request not to do so. Yet these people claim to represent HHDL’s wishes and claim to be the most loyal to him.

The politicians in Dhasa may not notice but people are really waking up. As I see it, we are already in a mass movement. We only need a body that represents this movement. That is why I joined Tibetan National Congress (TNC). Because I believe TNC will play an important role by representing the Rangzen voices and ultimately in creating a political environment in which people can freely express their opinion without fear and the ideals of democracy are truly honored and respected. The only thing TNC has to do at this point in time is to consolidate the Rangzen voices and represent them in the CTA. And that can be achieved if more and more people sign up for membership and pledge allegiance to the ideals and goals TNC represents.

We Rangzen believers are no small number, in fact, I would say we are majority. But the problem is we don't have a body that represent our voice in the higher echelons of our government, at least not until now. Needless to say there are many great organizations like TYC, SFT, Chushi Ghangdruk and Guchusum etc. and they  play  very important role in our struggle but in the end they are all NGOs without real political teeth. To my deep disappointment GuChusum just recently changed its goal to MWA -

So, TNC is the only organization, at the moment, which has the strength and the resources to unite the Rangzen voices and represent them in our exile democratic system. TNC's resolution clearly states that it believes in democracy and recognizes HHDL as the symbol of Tibetan Nation.  So TNC is clearly NOT anti Dalai Lama as some people are accusing. It is rather Pro-Rangzen, Pro-Democracy and Pro-Tibetans.

I urge all those who believe in DEMOCRACY and OUR RIGHT TO AN INDEPENDENT TIBET to please join TNC by going to this website: OR sign up during “The Rangzen Imperative” events in New York and in later in Canada.

Even if you don't agree with TNC's political objectives but believe in the Ideals of Democracy and Freedom of Speech, you should support the formation of TNC and respect people's right and decision to join TNC.

I write this as a proud member of TNC.

Thank You.
Kalsang Phuntsok
Written on October 2, 2013